

10 Uppsatser om Mångkulturell bibliotekariekompetens - Sida 1 av 1

Kommunikationen mellan hem och skola samt dess p?verkan p? h?gstadieelever ? Utifr?n l?rares perspektiv p? en m?ngkulturell skola

Syftet med denna studie ?r att unders?ka kommunikationen mellan l?rare och v?rdnadshavare p? en m?ngkulturell skola och hur l?rarna uppfattar att detta p?verkar eleverna. Detta kommer att unders?kas utifr?n ?tta h?gstadiel?rares perspektiv som, i kontrast till v?rdnadshavare, kommunicerar och har kontakt med flera v?rdnadshavare samt har en bredare ?verblick ?ver eleverna. Syftet konkretiseras genom f?ljande fr?gest?llningar: 1. Vilka m?jligheter och hinder finns i kommunikationen mellan l?rare och v?rdnadshavare p? en m?ngkulturell skola? 2. Hur uppfattar l?rarna att detta p?verkar eleverna? F?r att besvara fr?gest?llningen genomf?rdes en kvalitativ unders?kning d?r ?tta h?gstadiel?rare som arbetar p? en m?ngkulturell skola blev intervjuade individuellt. Dessa intervjuer spelades in, transkriberades och d?refter kategoriserades med hj?lp av en tematisk analysmetod som var i linje med studiens ?vergripande syfte.

Kompetens som lockbete : En studie i lokala och centrala biblioteksföreträdares syn på marknadsföring av bibliotekariekompetens gentemot lokala politiker

The aim of this study is to explore if and how library managers market their competence in communication with local politicians. It is also our aim to find a definition of the competence of librarians. The report identifies and describes problems and possibilitieswith marketing of competence to politicians on the basis of one Swedish municipality's library managers. In order to fulfil this aim we have used a literature study on marketing, competence, the political process and the librarian profession. We have alsocarried out an empirical study where we interviewed ten library managers in onemunicipality, seven politicians in the same municipality and ten representatives for central professional organisations mainly in Sweden.The results are that most library managers don't market their competence because they don?t believe in marketing competence.

"Det här är så mycket mer än bara en skola" : En studie om lärares upplevelser om att vara en del utav en mångetnisk skolkontext

Vi lever idag i ett ma?ngkulturellt samha?lle som a?r i sta?ndig ro?rlighet, na?got som gjort att ocksa? den svenska skolan ser annorlunda ut a?n fo?r bara na?gra a?r sedan. Mitt i denna ro?rlighet sa? har ocksa? la?rarnas uppgift vidgats och satt de i en kontext som kra?ver mer, men kanske ocksa? a?ven ger mer? Denna uppsats a?r en studie om la?rarnas upplevelser om att vara en del utav en ma?ngkulturell skolkontext. Hur upplever de sin arbetsplats, hur ter sig bemo?tandet mellan la?rare och elev, och vilka konsekvenser talar de om vad ga?ller ungdomarnas integreringsprocess? .

Muslimska kvinnors upplevelser av klimakteriet. En fenomenologisk studie.

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka muslimska kvinnors upplevelse av klimakteriet. Tre kvinnor intervjuades på djupet och intervjuerna har transkriberats ordagrant och analyserats med den fenomenologiska metod som beskrivs av Amadeo Giorgi. Analysen resulterade i följande kategorier: kulturella aspekter, religion, känslan att förlora sin ungdom, existentiella tankar relaterade till döden, känslan av att åldrar och sexualitet. Resultaten visade att de muslimska kvinnorna i övergångsåldern hade en negativ uppfattning om klimakteriet. Detta fenomen beskrevs som kulturellt tabu och påverkade starkt av religion. Det växande antalet och mångfalden bland muslimska befolkningen i Malmö utgör utmaningar för vårdpersonal att bättre förstå klimakteriet ur ett muslimskt kulturellt perspektiv..

Mångkulturell bibliotekariekompetens - En litteraturstudie och intervjuer med bibliotekarier och chefer vid Malmö stadsbibliotek.

The title of this Master´s thesis is Multicultural librarian competence - a literature study and interwievs with librarians and managers in Malmö Public Library.Every fifth Swede is born abroad or has at least one parent who are. The migration flows of today reach out longer, there are more efficent ways of communication and travel. This has made previously ethnic homogeneous populations as the swedish more and more hetergeneous. Library services to inmigrant users started out as a specially directed activities. The political view of migration has changed over the years and the current perspective is the one of mutual integration and cultural diversity.

Folkbibliotekariens yrkesidentitet : vad den består av och hur den formas

This master's thesis reports on our investigation of how the public librarian's professional identity is formed and what it is formed of. We have considered factors such as: education, competence and daily tasks. In order to fulfil this aim we have used a literature study on concepts such as competence, education, professional identity and profession. We have also carried out an empirical study where we have interviewed nine librarians on public libraries. The method of analysis is qualitative.

Företagsbibliotek i förvandling : företagsbibliotekens tjänster i informationsåldern

A company library can only exist if it contributes to a positive result for the company. As endusers are beginning to perform searches on the Internet and have access to databases and electronic documents via their desktops it becomes important for company librarians to thoroughly think through what services should be offered to the users so that the library still contributes to the company s profit. The aim of this dissertation was to try to define the services that the company library offers its users having in mind the changes that have taken place concerning the availability of information. I also wanted to explore whether the librarians had the necessary competence to perform the services offered. Six information specialists were interviewed to give their view on the services their libraries offered.

Den nya bibliotekariens kompetens : en studie av bibliotekarier utbildade i Borås, Lund och Umeå

The main purpose of this Master's thesis is to investigate the new librarians' experiences and skills in the context of their present work situation and the ongoing debate about the librarian's professional identity and status. Further, the authors wanted to find out whether the new librarians' experiences and knowledge developed throughout their education correspond to the requirements of the employers. Finally, they try to assess theimpact of the "academization" of the library schools on the status of the profession. The data consist of an opinion poll. The investigation is based on questionnaires distributed as a web survey.

Omvärldsbevakning : Hur långt räcker utbildningen i biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap?

The information market is constantly changing. With new and improved information technology more people get access to more information faster. However, the number of people educated to handle information also increases. Business intelligence has for a long time been a well-known tool for companies to be competitive. Because of the increased access to information the competition between companies has intensified and more people have become aware of the advantages of business intelligence and how it can help them compete.

Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskapens överordnade identitet : ämnets betydelse för studentens yrkesinriktning

Library and information science (LIS), being a research area characterized by theoretical discord and definition disarray, provides an interesting field of inquiry. Its content, boundaries, scope and superior identity are not clearly stated. This Master s thesis focuses on a thus far unexplored perspective on the discipline: a conceivable statistic and causes- and- effect relationship between the LIS students appreciated identification with the superior identity of the discipline, and the chosen vocational direction within the field. This relationship is examined through testing a working hypothesis on the results of a major quantitative questionnaire survey. The theory behind our research derives mainly from Thomas Kuhn and Richard Whitley.